Tally.ERP9 is now TallyPrime

What is new in TallyPrime?

Tally ERP 9 is now Tally Prime! Tally Prime has been designed with the mantra #MakeEveryDaySimple.

There are many new Tally Prime features that will make your life even simpler and improve your efficiency as compared to Tally.ERP9. These include some big visible changes such as e-invoicing along with e-waybill and some that do not catch your attention initially but are very helpful such as the new feature of Change Mode or Basis of Values which will significantly change your way of working. You can download TallyPrime free of cost as a perk of your TSS price paid earlier. Your TSS has expired? No problem, just renew it today and enjoy the benefits of TallyPrime for free.

TallyPrime is meant to keep your focus where it belongs – your business!

Important Tally Prime New Features

  • E-Invoicing and E-Waybill: E-invoicing is among the most important new TallyPrime features. It is free for all Tally Prime users. Also, if e-Invoicing is applicable to you, you can also generate e-waybills if applicable; again, at zero cost.
  • User Interface: An Tally Prime feature that will immediately strike you is the refreshing new user interface which is menu-driven that effortlessly blends with the traditional interface that we are so used to.
  • Enhanced Browser Reports: A much longer list of reports is now available for browser access. This is a boon for those who do not wish to learn Tally. Get a modern web interface just like the new generation likes it. Management can access critical reports of interest from their Mac or their mobile phones.

Usability Enhancements in Tally Prime

  • GoTo: A new universal search feature for any entry screen or report. You can quickly access any report without knowing its exact location. Just type the report name and it will open. So, you can open any report from any Tally screen. This is one new of the revolutionary Tally Prime new features which will change the way we work forever.
  • Multitasking: One of the most important new Tally Prime features is multitasking. You can now effortlessly handle urgent tasks which earlier interrupted the flow of work. You can make an urgent sales invoice while passing a journal entry or while studying the trial balance! A user can do actions like Printing, Emailing & Exporting from any screen of TallyPrime with the new menu bar.
  • Single sign-on: Now you can load and login into multiple companies having the same login credentials simultaneously. This is possible using the new single sign-in TallyPrime.
  • Browse Option: An important new Tally Prime feature is the capability to now browse your computer to access any location from within Tally with the new folder browser. The days of opening folders using windows explorer and pasting the path in Tally are now history.
  • Mouse Compatibility: It is now possible to easily navigate through Tally using a mouse in Tally Prime.
  • New Copy and Paste: Now use regular Windows key combinations Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V for copy and paste operations. Earlier Ctrl+Alt+C and Ctrl+Alt+V will continue to work.
  • Optimized Printing: This new Tally Prime feature is a boon for those who have multiple page invoices. It is possible to it up to 15-17-line items per page in the default product with Tally Prime with the new Optimized Printing.

Other New Features

  • Change Mode: This is a new feature introduced to toggle between various modes of entering a particular transaction.
  • Enhanced Help: Get detailed context-sensitive help that will always guide you with insightful info at the right time and in the right place!
  • In-product program trouble-shooter: A hidden but very important Tally Prime feature is an inbuilt program files trouble-shooter that detects any missing or corrupted program files. The troubleshooter will automatically rebuild them for you. So, no need to wait for a support executive to assist you.
  • More insightful reports and easy entry: New options such as Change View, Basis of Values, More Details, exception reports etc. are there in all reports. Now get the same work done faster effortlessly

There are many more new Tally Prime features that seem minor and are not immediately visible to the user, but once you start using the new version, you will realize their presence and wonder how you earlier lived without them!